If your email takes too long to reach your iPhone, or loads only when you open the Email app, your email account may be using Fetch to receive new messages. However, switching to push can significantly speed up email delivery.

Read on to learn about Push and what you can do to activate Push with your iPhone and iPad email accounts.

IPhone email icon

What is iPhone Push?

Push is a data delivery mechanism that maintains an open channel between your iPhone and your mail server. When your email account receives a new message, the server immediately “pushes” that message to your iOS device.

Fetch, on the other hand, uses the iPhone to “fetch” new data. Request new mail from the mail server once every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc. according to the fetch schedule. This often results in significant delays and misses important messages. If you want to receive your email immediately, consider switching your email account from Fetch to Push.


Push requires IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). If you want to manually add an email account to your iPhone, be sure to select IMAP over POP during the setup procedure.

Nonetheless, the Apple Mail app in Stock does not support push for all email service providers. For example, if you’re using a Gmail account, you don’t have the option to enable push. However, you can use the service provider’s client app to mitigate email push-compatible account issues. For example, the Gmail app for iOS.

Push vs. Fetch: Impact on iPhone Battery

Aside from real-time email delivery, pushes have a longer battery life than fetches because the iPhone doesn’t have to actively check for new emails. Instead, it’s the mail server that does the tedious work.

Battery icon

However, suppose you always receive a large amount of email. In that case, the push can adversely affect battery life and even act as a distraction due to the notification alerts that illuminate the lock screen. Receiving email notifications silently or falling back to a slower fetch schedule can help you avoid that.

Enable email account push on iPhone

Assuming your iPhone Mail app supports pushing your email account, follow these steps to activate it.

1. Open your iPhone setting App. If you can’t find it, swipe down on the home screen to search.

Settings icon

2. Scroll down the list of settings and tap Post Access your email settings.

Settings> Email” class =”wp-image-17718″ srcset =”https://ecocryptolab.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1657879817_647_How-to-get-your-iPhone-to-receive-emails-instantly-using.jpg 995w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022 / 06 / 04-View-Mail-Options-291×300.jpg 291w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/04-View-Mail-Options-768×791.jpg 768w, https //www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/04-View-Mail-Options-320×329.jpg 320w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/ 06/04-View-Mail-Options-640×659.jpg 640w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/04-View-Mail-Options-360×371.jpg 360w, https: //www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/04-View-Mail-Options-720×741.jpg 720w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06 / 04-View-Mail-Options-800×823.jpg 800w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/04-View-Mail-Options-610×628.jpg 610w, https: / /www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/04-View-Mail-Options-49×50.jpg 49w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/w  p-content / uploads / 2022/06/04-View-Mail-Options.jpg 1024w” sizes =”(max-width: 995px) 100vw, 995px”/></figure>
<p>3. Tap<strong> account</strong> >> >> <strong>Get new data</strong>..</p>
<div class=
Account> Get new datta” class =”wp-image-17719″ srcset =”https://ecocryptolab.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1657879817_152_How-to-get-your-iPhone-to-receive-emails-instantly-using.png 995w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022 / 06/05-Fetch-New-Data-291×300.png 291w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/05-Fetch-New-Data-768×791.png 768w, https //www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/05-Fetch-New-Data-320×329.png 320w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/ 06/05-Fetch-New-Data-640×659.png 640w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/05-Fetch-New-Data-360×371.png 360w, https: //www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/05-Fetch-New-Data-720×741.png 720w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06 /05-Fetch-New-Data-800×823.png 800w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/05-Fetch-New-Data-610×628.png 610w, https: / /www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/05-Fetch-New-Data-49×50.png 49w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/ 05-F  etch-New-Data.png 1024w” sizes =”(max-width: 995px) 100vw, 995px”/></figure>
<p>4. Turn on the switch next to it <strong>push</strong> Select your email account. for example, <strong>iCloud </strong>Also <strong>Outlook</strong>..</p>
<p>5. Select <strong>push</strong> under <strong>Select a schedule</strong>..</p>
<p>6. Select the mailbox you want to push to your mail server. Your inbox is always pushed, but you can also activate pushes for other mailboxes such as: <strong>draft </strong>When <strong>Sent </strong>To instantly sync your activity from your Windows, Mac, or Android device.</p>
<div class=
Push toggle

When you activate push, you will receive a push notification immediately every time you receive a new email. If you’ve set up silent notifications for your email app, don’t forget to check your iPhone’s Notification Center. To allow email notifications and manage them on your iPhone, go to the following URL: setting >> >> Post >> >> notification..

Set an email account acquisition schedule

If your email account doesn’t support push, consider using a dedicated email provider app (such as Gmail or Yahoo Mail).

Or switch to the fastest fetch configuration.To do this, go to setting >> >> Post >> >> account >> >> Get new data Scroll to the bottom of the screen.Then tap Every 15 minutes..

Fetch> every 15 minutes” class =”wp-image-17721″ srcset =”https://ecocryptolab.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1657879817_764_How-to-get-your-iPhone-to-receive-emails-instantly-using.png 830w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06 / 07-Set-Fetch-Schedule-247×300.png 247w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/07-Set-Fetch-Schedule-768×932.png 768w, https: / /www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/07-Set-Fetch-Schedule-320×388.png 320w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/ 07-Set-Fetch-Schedule-640×776.png 640w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/07-Set-Fetch-Schedule-360×437.png 360w, https: // www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/07-Set-Fetch-Schedule-720×874.png 720w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/07 -Set-Fetch-Schedule-800×971.png 800w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/07-Set-Fetch-Schedule-610×740.png 610w, https: // www .switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/07-Set-Fetch-Schedule-41×50.png 41w” sizes =”(max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px”/></figure>
<p>If you are concerned about iPhone battery life, consider using other fetch settings instead.</p>
<li><strong>automatically</strong>: Get data in the background only if your iPhone is connected to a power source and connected to Wi-Fi.</li>
<li><strong>manually</strong>: Get the data only when you open the mail app.</li>
<li><strong>Hourly</strong>: Get the data every hour. </li>
<li><strong>Every 30 minutes</strong>: Get data every 30 minutes.</li>
<h2>Does push not work?This is what you have to do</h2>
<p>Server-side issues aside, push doesn’t work when low power mode is active on the iPhone. This feature limits background activity to save battery life and negatively impacts push. Unless your device is very low on battery, leave the setting disabled to ensure timely email delivery.</p>
<p>Therefore, if you see a yellow battery indicator, <strong>setting </strong>App, tap <strong>battery</strong>Turn off the switch next to<strong> Low power mode</strong> Disable low power mode.</p>
<div class=
Settings> Battery> Low power mode” class =”wp-image-17722″ srcset =”https://ecocryptolab.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1657879818_988_How-to-get-your-iPhone-to-receive-emails-instantly-using.png 1024w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022 / 06/08-Disable-Low-Power-Mode-300×204.png 300w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/08-Disable-Low-Power-Mode-768×524. png 768w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/08-Disable-Low-Power-Mode-320×218.png 320w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp- content / uploads / 2022/06/08-Disable-Low-Power-Mode-640×436.png 640w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/08-Disable-Low-Power -Mode-360×245.png 360w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/08-Disable-Low-Power-Mode-720×491.png 720w, https://www.switchingtomac .com / wp-content / uploads / 2022/06/08-Disable-Low-Power-Mode-800×545.png 800w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/08- Disable-Low-Power-Mode-610×416.png 610w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/08-Disable-Low-Power-Mode-73×50  .png 73w” sizes =”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”/></figure>
<p>In addition, low data modes (reducing Wi-Fi and cellular bandwidth) can also cause push problems. You can fix the problem by turning off the network settings.</p>
<p><strong>Wifi</strong>: To disable low data on Wi-Fi connection <strong>setting</strong>,Tap <strong>Wifi</strong> >> >> <strong>information</strong> (Next to the network name), turn off the switch next to it <strong>Low data mode</strong>..</p>
<p><strong>Cellular</strong>: To disable the low data mode of mobile data <strong>Settings></strong> <strong>Cellular </strong>>> >> <strong>Cellular data options</strong> Turn off the switch next to it <strong>Low data mode</strong>..</p>
<p>unlucky?  Learn about other ways to continue troubleshooting email update issues on your iPhone.</p>
<h2>Receive emails quickly on your iPhone</h2>
<p>Push is the most common way to receive email, and the iOS email app on iPhone tends to use it by default for supported email accounts. Therefore, you may not even need to mess with your account settings unless you receive the email immediately. If push isn’t supported, consider using your provider’s app if possible.</p>
<p><span class=

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