If you’re using an iPhone or iPad, you’ve noticed that there are quite a few so-called “albums” in the camera app. If I don’t use them or don’t want to clutter the app, can I remove them?

Yes! we will:

  • Learn how to delete albums on your iPhone or iPad.
  • If you do, help you understand what happens to your photos.
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Albums created by other apps

Many different types of applications may have a reason to create an album. Photo editors and social media apps are two obvious examples. If the app doesn’t want to ruin the camera roll and you don’t think there’s a reason you need that permission, remove or reject the app.

Will my photos be deleted when I delete the album?

Albums are just a way to organize your photos, so deleting an album doesn’t delete the photos in the album. It’s not like a folder on your hard drive, it’s like a hashtag on Twitter. You can put the same photo in multiple albums.

Albums do not occupy space on your device, so deleting an album does not free up storage. This article addresses storage issues further and provides better solutions.

Albums that cannot be deleted

Before you follow the exact steps to delete albums on your iPhone or iPad, you need to know that some albums cannot be deleted.

In a nutshell, the only albums you can delete are those listed under “My Albums” and “Shared Albums”. The rest are system reservations, which are essential for the photo app to work properly.

How to delete album on iPhone or iPad

Now that you don’t know the basic facts, let’s get down to the actual process of deleting an album. Let’s start with the iPad.

  1. Open Photo app..
  2. If necessary, Sidebar button Located in the upper left corner of the app, you’ll see the sidebar.
Photo> Sidebar” class =”wp-image-12825″ srcset =”https://ecocryptolab.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1657111980_782_How-to-delete-album-on-iPhone-or-iPad.png 680w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06 /4-Delete-Album-1-300×95.png 300w, https://www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/4-Delete-Album-1-610×193.png 610w, https: / /www.switchingtomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/4-Delete-Album-1-80×25.png 80w” sizes =”(max-width: 680px) 100vw, 680px”/></figure>
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Edit button on top right
  1. choose Edit button Located in the upper right corner of the sidebar.
Select an album
  1. Next to a little album Red circle with white dash.. Select it.
The delete button was displayed
  1. This will result in Delete button. Select it.
Remove the confirmation prompt
  1. If you want to delete the album[アルバムを削除



  1. を開きます 写真アプリ。
  1. に切り替えます アルバム タブ。
  1. under My album, select See all..
See all
  1. choose edit The button at the top right of the screen.
Edit button
  1. Select the red delete icon in the upper left corner of the album you want to delete.
Red delete icon
  1. select Delete album Check the operation.
Album deletion confirmation window

The album in question should be gone.

How to unsubscribe from a shared album

Think twice before deleting a shared album. Instead, you can choose to unsubscribe from that album.

  1. choose Shared album I want to unsubscribe.
Shared album screen
  1. Please choose the smaller one Family share icon Located in the upper right corner of the app.
Family share icon
  1. your username..
Selected user name
  1. select Delete a subscriber..
Remove subscriber button
  1. Confirm the deletion.

This will remove the album from all devices, but it will not affect other subscribing users.

Save space with iCloud or Permanent Deletion

As you know, deleting an album does not save space on your device. The only option you need to reduce the amount of space used on your device is to permanently delete your photos or optimize your device’s storage with iCloud.

Deleting photos is a simple process.

  1. Open Photo..
  2. Go to the selected category where you can find your photos. You can also use an existing album.
Selected wallpaper photo
  1. choose Selection button It’s in the upper right corner of the app.
Selection button
  1. Select an image to delete or select all Select the entire content for that category or album.
  2. choose Trash can icon It’s in the bottom right corner of the app.
  3. next, erase Delete the image.

If you want to remove a photo from the album, you can also remove the photo from the album, but it doesn’t remove the image or free up space.

If you don’t want to delete the image, you can offload it to iCloud. This will give you a small preview on your device and will download the full quality original image from your iCloud Drive when you view the image.

  1. Open setting..
  2. select your name >> >> iCloud >> >> Photo..
  3. select Optimize iPad storage..
Optimizing iPad storage options

If your photos occupy a lot of space, you need to make sure that your photos are released immediately after you choose to optimize storage.

Recently deleted albums

That’s all you need to know about how to delete an album on your iPhone or iPad, but what if you accidentally delete a photo in the process you want to keep? The good news is that the photo app has a built-in safety net.

Recently deleted albums

Refers to recently deleted albums under the Utilities category. Here you can select accidentally deleted photos and videos and restore them. Each item is labeled with the number of days left before it is permanently deleted.

You can also check out this folder if you want to reclaim space quickly. When you select a photo or video in this album, you can choose to restore it or permanently delete it. Keep in mind that if you remove it from this album, it will be permanently removed.

By admin

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