Do you feel dizzy just looking at the iPhone home screen? If you’re having a hard time getting the apps you need, it’s essential to organize them. That’s where folders come in.

Folders not only allow you to sort your apps the way you like, but also give you quick access to your apps.

People creating folders on iPhone

Below you will learn everything you need to know to create and use folders on your iPhone so that you can effectively manage your apps on your iPhone.

Reasons to use folders on iPhone

By default, the iPhone comes with several pre-built folders (such as utilities for grouping apps such as Voice Memos, Compass, and Measure). However, you can also create your own folders. Before we look at how to do that, here are some practical ways to use them on iOS:

Sort apps by type

Folders allow you to sort your apps by type. For example, if you have multiple instant messaging apps, you can add them to one folder. Then you can select a folder to select the apps you need without having to look across your iPhone. This also helps to significantly reduce the clutter of your home screen.

Apps sorted by type

Group apps by activity

You can also group apps by activity instead of sorting them by type. Suppose you want to use some apps that are essential to your day-to-day work and workflow. You can divide them into folders (or sets of folders) for quick access.

Arrange them in alphabetical order

You can rename the folders to whatever you like, so don’t dismiss the idea of ​​grouping apps alphabetically. This will help you instinctively find the app. You don’t even have to create a folder for each character. Try creating a folder along the following lines. ABC, DEF, GHIand so on.

Unpack the Dock

Tired of being stuck with just the four icons in the iPhone Dock? You can get around that limitation with folders. Group your favorite apps and add them to the Dock so you can access them from anywhere on your home screen. If desired, you can remove all four icons and replace them with folders.

IPhone dock with folders

Get rid of distractions

If you have a lot of distracting apps on your iPhone (video games, social media apps, etc.), put them in a folder to hide them. It should prevent you from opening them impulsively.

How to create a new folder on your iPhone

You can create a folder on any home screen page on your iPhone. However, unlike desktop devices, iOS does not have an “option” for adding folders. Instead, you need to rely on a particular gesture.

1. Tap and hold an empty area on your iPhone until everything on your screen begins to shake.

2. Press the icon slightly until it looks like it “sticks” under your finger. Then drag it directly to another icon.

3. As soon as you see a translucent outline around the second icon, release your finger. After that, the folder will be immediately displayed in that location.

Visual instructions for dragging one icon up.another

Tap the folder to open it. You will see two apps in the folder. To exit the folder, tap the area outside the folder.

The tapped folder shows the internal apps

Then you can start dragging the app you want to add to the folder. You can add as many as you need, and the folders will continue to automatically create new pages to accommodate them (you can swipe to move them). Each folder page can hold up to 9 app icons.

How to rename a folder on iPhone

By default, iPhone automatically assigns a name (productivity, music, photos, etc.) to each folder based on the categories of the two apps you originally used to create it. You can turn it into what you want.

1. Open the folder.

2. Press and hold the folder name to start shaking the screen.

3. Double-tap the name to highlight it.

4. Enter the required name.

The folder has been renamed to "Cloud storage"

5. Tap end Save your changes.

How to move folders on iPhone

You can move around the folder on the home screen as you would otherwise. Enter jiggle mode and drag the folder to the desired location.

You can also move the folder to another home screen page. If you drag it to the edge of the screen and pause for a while, you should automatically enter the adjacent page.

If you want to add a folder to the iPhone Dock, first drag one of the four icons outwards to make room. Then drag and drop the folder into the Dock.

How to rearrange the icons in a folder

You can relocate apps in folders just as you would move them on the home screen itself. Open the folder and press and hold free space to enter jiggle mode. Then drag the icons in the desired order.

Visualization of repositioning of icons in folders

If you have multiple pages in a folder, you can simply drag the icon to the corner of the adjacent page to go to that page. Then release it where you want it.

How to remove apps from iPhone folders

If you don’t want to keep your app in a folder, you can delete it right away. To do this, open the folder and enter jiggle mode. Then drag and release the icon outside the folder area to remove the icon.

Visualization to remove icons from folders

Alternatively, you can hide the app without sending it to the home screen, or you can remove the app altogether. To do this, press and hold the app icon, Delete app.. next, Removed from home screen Do you hide it Delete app Delete. If you choose to hide the app, you can access the app library to access the app.

How to delete folders on iPhone

To delete the entire folder, you need to drag all apps from the folder. To speed up the process, enable jiggle mode, press and hold apps, then tap each app icon to stack under your finger. Then drag and drop them out of the folder area.

Visualization of dragging an icon from a folder

You can also delete any folder from the home screen itself by long-pressing to select it. Delete folder >> >> Removed from home screen.. However, all apps in the folder will be hidden, so you’ll need to access your app library to access your apps.

How to reset home screen on iPhone

You can start over by deleting all folders on the home screen at once and resetting the home screen.

1. Open setting The app on your iPhone.

2. Tap Universal..

3. Scroll down and tap reset..

4. Tap Reset home screen layout..


5. Tap Reset home screen To confirm.

Start organizing your iPhone

Folders provide an exciting way to organize your apps on your iPhone, so keep experimenting and find the one that works best for you. Don’t forget to check these other iPhone home screen management features while you do it.

By admin

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